Hello World! My name is Amelia Sara Greene, but some call me Millie – also the nickname for my namesake, Amelia Earhart. Welcome to my website, where I blog, rant, share projects, or do anything I feel like doing. I’m a 36-year-old (trans-)woman living in Kansas City, Missouri, for the past seven years. I’m passionate and knowledgeable about many things, such as cosplay, my faith in Jesus, entrepreneurship, computer programming, graphic design, academic writing, conservationism, women’s rights, healthcare, and so forth – I think everyone can find something they would be invested in.
Alongside my love for healthcare, I’m also invested in hormone replacement therapy protocols for transgender people. I began my transition on October 25th, 2018, at 31. I like to acknowledge that I’ve been tremendously blessed in my transition of how well everything worked out financially and physically. I’ve committed that I would never turn away anyone genuinely curious about transgender people – within reason and as long as they were respectful – so feel free to ask away!
Finally, how could I forget to mention my fantastic fiance (soon-to-be husband), Anthony? He does so much for me by helping me stay grounded in the now. He might have some flaws, but that makes him my Kristoff and I his Princess Anna. We’re planning our wedding sometime next year and honestly couldn’t be happier! I always wanted to be a bride.
What else am I missing? Oh, funny fact about me, in 2023, I became a co-author on a cardiac research paper about gender disparities in heart treatments. This is so rare for someone who is a non-doctorate individual. When I received the acknowledgment e-mail from the scientific paper, they addressed me as Dr. Amelia Greene – which I jokingly point to as my doctorate credentials.
(Dr.) Amelia S. Greene🌻✨💫