What is Plumous? The Ultimate Parody Ad That’ll Leave You Confused
Discover Plumous, the product/idea/experience that’s breaking all boundaries—and maybe your perception of reality too. What is it? Great question. Find out!
The Limitations of AI Terms of Service
Hey there! I’ve been experimenting with various AI models, like image, writing, and video, for a few months now. And let me tell you, the results have been nothing short of mind-blowing. However, one thing that has consistently annoyed me…
The American Christian; The Modern Pharisee
In the New Testament, a Pharisee, nonetheless, asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was. He responded by paraphrasing two passages from the Torah that boil down to “Love thy God” and “Love thy Neighbor.” Such simple commandments that even a…
English 101 Essay: The Grade Inflation Conundrum
Imagine having worked on an essay for many hours, reading all the source material and rubrics, thoughtfully creating a thesis, only to be given a less than stellar grade. Simultaneously your college dorm mate threw together an essay with minimal…
Ready Player One Book/Movie Review (spoilers)
I had started to work on this review sometime mid last year when I had first listened to the wonderfully narrated audiobook of Ready Player One by Wil Wheaton. Unfortunately, I shelved the review when I got busy and had…
I Came Out To My Parents!!!
It’s been thirty-one years now and I’ve finally done it; I have finally worked up the courage to come out to parents – well technically. And coming out about what? Sorry, where are my manners? I’m not gay if that’s…