Updates 2.2

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Updates 2.2



Well, it’s that time once again. LIFE UPDATE! My family just got back from a short trip to the Creation Museum just a few hours ago. This was my second time going and my family’s third. I don’t remember when they took that third trip without me. Anyways, I highly recommend everyone who believes in creation — And maybe those who don’t. — need to check this place out. My parents would like to try getting more people from my church to visit too, so it will be interesting to see how that works out.

Here’s their website: https://creationmuseum.org/

In other news, I got to talk with the owner of the hotel we stayed in about doing a full network and wireless setup. The hotel was in severe need of a new system, he even admitted to losing customers over how bad the setup was. He was hooked on seeing bids from multiple people, which to be honest, if not the best way to do it when you’re trying to get the system for as cheap as possible. One guy, like myself, might be installing an authentication and web filtering server which takes up most the budget and some other guy will come in and scrap it all together, greatly undercutting my bid. I’ve seen this sort of thing happen with my grandfathers paving business. A bidding war only works for huge projects with all the parties sitting around a table. We, in the end, gave him a price of $1,800 for 6 access points and the server. We met the guy’s father, who urged him to take our price no questions asked. Sure would be nice to get the work.

Well, I’m starting to get to the end of my chain, I keep working on and off at Blockbuster and I’m quickly running out of money. I can’t keep waiting for people to get back with me like this. Do I need to posh my résumé on this blog and hope someone comes along and sees it? Please, someone, respond. I’d really like another job in IT. Well, that’s all for now. Hope to have new news for my next post.


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