AT&T Training – Day 24 of 49

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AT&T Training – Day 24 of 49



And yet again, we had yet another day where we essentially watched more TV… I think I’m done with TV for a couple weeks now. Good news, we got to go home early at 12:45 for good behavior, actually, just kidding. I think our instructor had finally enough with forcing us just sit and do nothing. I think our instructor likes us, he said he’s taught our class about 25 times at the Westmont training facility, but he said our class was in his top 5 favorites. He said we were always on time and that we didn’t assume we already knew everything and listened. If hadn’t already mentioned, our instructors live in Indianapolis. I guess most of our instructors are retired AT&T contractors and do this in their spare time.

Oh, and what movie did I watch today? I watched, “Knowing.” Majority of you reading this should already be familiar with this movie, so I’ll save you my movie review. It wasn’t a bad movie by the stretch of the imagination but I hate movies where everyone dies, including the hero. “I am legend,” ended that way and I wasn’t a fan.

So this morning, I had to drive my dad to work since my car has been out of commission for about the last 4 weeks and the family wanted to go see the “Monster vs. Aliens” movie at the dollar theater. Then we were let out of class early and I had suddenly realized that I still had to pick my dad up from work, I contemplated going home and waiting but then I remembered I needed to get my hair cut, so I went to the Paul Mitchell School in Tinley Park – Whenever I need haircut I go here, very budget friendly. Even after that I still had to wait 45 minutes for my dad but at least I got my haircut.

So two interesting things happened today; first I was driving down the road and noticed a construction sign on a bridge and because the medium in the road was so narrow, someone had perfectly cracked off the corner of the sign – Okay, I now realize that might not sound funny but I had a laugh in the car.

And then after that, I was getting my haircut and because the girl who cut my hair was so nice and had done such a nice job, I had decided to give her a large tip of $8. After I had paid, I had noticed many of the girls were eating ice cream and had commented, “Yum, Ice Cream sounds great right now!” and one lady responded with “Go in the back, the Ice Cream truck is giving it away, he’ll give you some.” I assumed that it was only for students, which I’m probably right but she said it was fine. She walked me through the building and classrooms, then out the backdoor. I decided on the Italian Ice, one of my favorites and walked back the way I came. As I stepped inside I had noticed the girl who had cut my hair, standing on the other side of the room, talking with her classmates, and holding my tip envelope. She hadn’t immediately noticed me and I had overheard her say, “I don’t know, maybe he thought I was cute!” When she had finally noticed me, she blushed and broke eye contact. I left with her embarrassed and thinking I had tipped her so well because I thought she was cute. I won’t deny that she wasn’t cute but that wasn’t my reason, I just grew up being thought to tip well. She was, however, super cute and I’ll leave it at that.

So on a final note, I got my final test tomorrow, so pray that everything goes smoothly and I remember the steps perfectly. Our instructor said he had never failed anyone so this should be a piece of cake. But I still need the confidence, I usually have a bad case of anxiety when I get nervous, even when I have nothing to worry about. I’m gradually getting better at not showing my anxiety but ever since I was young, anxiety has been an issue for me, particularly a habit of shaking.

I had a particular incident where my youth pastor was investigating some accusations I had made against another in my youth group for hacking my personal website – and I had AIM chat history with him admitting to the hack to back me up. My youth pastor didn’t handle it well and then in returned focused on accusing me of asking for him to hack my website. I kept telling myself that I wasn’t in trouble but I shock and wanted to cry, all mostly because I was nervous.

Last week during my last test, while holding my pen, I was shaking and my instructor asked and I told him that it was because I was presently being tested. Of course, he then had to embarrass me in front of the class by claiming, “You’re not being tested.” – all because he said he was asking me as if he was the customer. I highly dislike roleplaying training, I really don’t do well at it. I would never shake in front of a customer on the field and would be your best at customer service, I worked customer service since I was 16. I was always the top CSR at Radioshack and Blockbuster.

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