AT&T Training – Day 35 of 46

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AT&T Training – Day 35 of 46



As I’ve been saying for the last few posts, this is my last week of classroom training. I’m hoping this week will be a slight be lighter load since I only have 4 days of training, versus the usual 5. Tomorrow is the second day of VoIP training. Our instructor is named Nick and what’s cool is he’s only 26 years old.

Then Wednesday and Thursday I have my IW (Indoor Wiring) class. Technically we had already learned about IW (which for those who don’t know uses the different set of colors), but according to our instructor, some guy drilled through a water pipe and claimed he never learned how to drill through walls and so they created this class for that reason. Honestly, it seems a lot of the dumb parts of our training is related to employees making lack of education claims. The IW class will be the same time as our VoIP class and will be taught by Frank.

After that on Friday, I return to my garage in Bedford Park.

Oh, and I’ve adjusted my total number of days to 46 and the 46th day will fall on Friday, July 31st. Deduct two days for the weekend and that means I only have 9 days remaining. I’m so excited.

Last Saturday, my dad and I tried to replace one of the two coils on my car, hoping it would help it run better. My Dad found a forum where someone suggested unplugging each coil and the one that runs the worst is likely the faulty one. This had helped some but my car still stutters from time to time.

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