The Limitations of AI Terms of Service
Hey there! I’ve been experimenting with various AI models, like image, writing, and video, for a few months now. And let me tell you, the results have been nothing short of mind-blowing. However, one thing that has consistently annoyed me is the excessively restrictive terms of service that many of these AI websites have implemented.
As a creative writer, I find these limitations extremely frustrating, as they severely hamper my ability to produce anything beyond children’s books. While I understand the need to prevent the spread of misinformation and the dangers of deep fakes, I believe that these restrictions ultimately stifle creativity and prevent the full potential of AI from being realized.
Despite these limitations, people will always find a way to use AI for both ethical and unethical purposes. Take medical procedures and weapons, for instance; no matter how illegal they are, people will find a way to obtain them. Similarly, anyone determined to use AI for nefarious purposes can easily download the models and source code, giving them unrestricted access to generate an endless stream of content at a fraction of the cost and with no restrictions.
As evidence, I downloaded the raw AI models and source code from various websites and was able to generate content that these same sites would deem unethical and/or illegal. I even attached a screenshot of two responses from different GPT AI models to prove my point. One from the popular ChatGPT, and another I downloaded for free from GitHub. While controversial, I don’t see anything wrong with the second AI’s answer. What do you think?
It’s crucial to remember that these restrictions only hinder the people who are genuinely looking to push the boundaries of what AI can do. Those who want to use AI for nefarious purposes will always find a way to do so. It’s time to remove the shackles and allow creative minds to explore the full potential of AI without excessive restrictions.
Footnote: As further proof, I attempted to use ChatGPT to rewrite and expand this blog post, but in response, it tried to justify its restrictions as a necessary evil. It continued by claiming that there were unrestricted models and that there was just an expectation that bad actors would have the morals to avoid them.