Culture Shock and Japanese Visas
As an American that is in love with the Japanese Culture, I’m a bit familiar with the experiences many Japanese and/or Americans going thru when coming to learn of each others culture. One aspect I find interesting is the exceptions…
Japanese Citizenship System
I find the Japanese Citizenship System is interesting. Many times I get asked by friends and family to explain the Japanese Citizenship System but since I’ve never experienced it my self, I have trouble getting my facts completely straight. I just saw…
Valentine’s Day in Japan
Valentine’s Day in Japan Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, when millions of Japanese males will wake up hoping to receive chocolate from their wives, girlfriends, mothers, daughters, female co-workers and any random girl who may be in a chocolate-giving mood. The…
Japanese Immigration Update
Some good news for foreigners living in Japan (or soon hope to be living in Japan, Amen): a new Alien Registration System is coming which will make it easier for gaijin residents here. The new system has several new benefits,…
Politics in Japan
Haruhi Suzumiya for President 2012 It’s quite nice to not live in the U.S. when a Presidential election rolls around, because you can look forward to a peaceful year without being bombarded by a lot of negative political messages 24…
Well, It looks like we are staring down the barrel of the 2012 gun. It’s so amazing to think about all the disasters this world has encountered within just one year, from disaster to prosperity, we seem to make it…
Facts of Japan. Vol. 11.5.1
Tall Fences on Japanese High Schools are to prevent suicidal students. One thing that always deeply concerns me and drives my passion to bring salvation to the Japanese people is their extremely high suicide rate. I once heard a Japanese…
Facts of Japan: Vol. 3.1
While Japan has always had a reputation for taking ideas from the West and improving on them (sometimes beyond recognition), the reverse is often true, too, and Japan has long served as a well of inspiration for various creators from…
Facts of Japan: Vol. 3
When you study a foreign language, sometimes one of the first things you learn unavoidably are the “naughty” words — that’s just human nature. However, students of Japanese are often surprised to learn that most of the bad words they’re…
Facts of Japan: Vol. 2.2
The ongoing crisis in Japan has caused a lot of deep thinking about the country in general by the Western media, and one article I caught on CNN was titled, “Are the Japanese Different?” This is certainly an interesting question:…