Transgender References (An ongoing post)
This is going to be an ongoing post of links and resources I find online in regards to transgender lives, community, and religion. It’s not a complete list and will be amended over time as I discover new sources. Feel…
My name is Amelia…
My name is Amelia Sara Greene and I’m a 31-year-old trans-girl. For quite some time, I was in denial that I would ever become who I am today. However, it’s refutable that this day would have come sooner or later and…
The Modern Brawny Man!
This blog post was imported from my old blog. If you have not figured out by now, I’m by no means a “brawny man.” Furthermore, you should also know that I have issues with accepting the “quick fixes” both the…
Target is NOT making your kids gay!
Okay, so I’m going to have to apologize in advance for this because I have so many family and friends that would probably completely disagree with what I’m about to discuss today in this article. “Since when were we getting…
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