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Life comes and goes, and I can’t believe I started writing this blog over on Blogger well over a year ago. Life has so many ups and downs and round-about, that it’s always throwing me a new type of curveball. So I’ve come to naming each year as a bit of a way to declare my focus and expectation for the year. This year I’ve decided to go with the year of growth and gain. — I know sort redundant. — Last year was the year of faith and discipline and the year before that was the year of get-your-sorry-butt-moving-life-will-not-wait-for-you. So it’s only again time for my occasional life update posts.

So I made a post on Craigslist earlier this week seeking web design work and I just got a bite. It wouldn’t pay much but it’s at least worth the reference in my portfolio. The guy said he would contact me next week about meeting someplace to discuss details. I will try to post details on it after my meeting if I can. My Dad and I finally got business cards made. They arrived just about a week ago. So now I can pass them out and improve my chances of picking up work, instead of writing my name and phone number of a paper towel in the bathroom.

The official close date the Blockbuster store in Hazel Crest is now well passed and since then I have only work a single day in the store I transferred to in Olympia Fields. It’s sad because I had a feeling this would happen with the way Blockbuster is doing financially. Of course, they would cram employees into other stores versus laying them off, it technically gets them out of paying unemployment. I’d be surprised if no class-action lawsuit come out of this. On my last day in Hazel Crest, I went home little to no information on my new store. With only the promise that the store manager would call me to give me my new schedule. Well, it wasn’t until two weeks later I worked my first in that store. Makes me wonder if they didn’t even tell that manager of my transfer until my last day, i.e., a good schedule is made two weeks in advance. And working off my last comment, they transferred every employee with the exception of two to that store. Even my Hazel Crest store manager, Gwen, agreed they are likely trying to get us to willingly quit. It disgusting when a company tries underhanded tricks like that, Blockbuster deserves to go under if this is how they treat their employees. I would like to visit my previous store manager in her new store on 33rd and King, sometime next week. I thought about taking the train because her store is only 4 blocks from the tracks but all stations either overshoot or undershoot the store by 10 blocks each way. Quite the disappointment. I guess I’ll have to drive but last Sunday the tire of my car popped from being under-inflated. I hassled with keeping it inflated and the last time this happened the guys at the tire shop said it was because there was too much rust around the rim and it wouldn’t make a clean air seal. So hopefully I can make it to the tire shop today and replace the tire and rim. I’m praying and believing that a trip to Japan is just around the corner. I AM BELIEVING!

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