Quick Update 3

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Quick Update 3



So I finally got more information from Sylvia in AT&T Staffing and unexpectedly, the details I expected to hear, I will here at my employee orientation on Friday, June 12th. But before that, my Dad and I are set to go vehicle and boot shopping this weekend. I also put in my resignation at Blockbuster on Tuesday. In my last post, I brought up that I was scheduled to be loaned out to a store in Chicago, Monday through Wednesday. Well, I got a call and she said she made a mistake and no longer needed me. Oh well. I that means I worked Wednesday night and no Friday either.

So I’m still a bit nervous about my AT&T training and someone at my church, who I never knew once worked for AT&T, gave me some good advice. She said in her experience, AT&T wants you to pass, so they try to make the training as easy as possible. That actually helped me feel better about it all.

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