AT&T Training – Day 32 of 49

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AT&T Training – Day 32 of 49



Okay, Okay, Okay, I get it, I forgot to post yesterday and I’m really sorry! The last two days have been so ridiculous. Going from working a nice flat 5 hours a day in a classroom to 11 hours day and actually working, overnight really takes a hit. Anyways, yesterday I got to ride with Thomas and he was finally that person I needed all along, he had me do so much more. Almost as soon as Justin, my manager, said I was riding with Thomas, he walked over and put his IFD in my hands. At first, I was like, oh great, he’s the type of guy who will make me carry everything of his, but once we got to the truck, he asked if I wanted to drive. I even thought he was joking about that too; I drive? What an offer, but I declined because I felt I wasn’t that confident to take the wheel just yet. Once we were sitting in the truck, he told me to press the dispatch button for our first job. Immediately I was like, okay so where is the hidden camera and who’s playing a joke on me? In the first 15 minutes, he offered for me to do more than anyone else combined, which is honestly sad.

Once I clicked dispatch, we got our first job which resulted in us getting a 2x STB with VoIP and Internet Install. Along the way, he told me to call the customer and inform them we were inbound. On the job he had me do everything except installing the actual STB boxes, which is really no big deal since I installed plenty of them while riding along with every other tech. I got the wire the 2Wire Gateway, the NID, and the COAX backfeed. I was really excited I got to do so much.

Today I got to ride with someone who much like the rest hasn’t let me go very much, so I don’t feel bad for not being able to remember his name. Oh well, it wasn’t a huge deal after yesterday’s best-day-yet! Today we handled two repairs and one install. I had coordinated the install and upon arrival discovered the customer had torn down their old house and built a new one on the old foundation – so the drop was cut and we had to call INR to come out and install a new one. That took two hours and the actual install took maybe another two hours. Taking four hours was way over what we were allocated since the customer only got VoIP and Internet. AT&T gives a lot of time per each STB, something like 45-60 minutes each.

So next week I’m back in Westmont for my last week of classroom training and only two weeks remaining until I get to go LIVE and I’m so badly looking forward to it.

My garage is like two blocks south of Midway Airport and every time I see a plane take off, I dream about the day that I’m on a plane flying to Japan. I can’t wait until that day comes. My dad gave me some encouragement the other day and said that a lot of people believe God has called them to the missions field, but when he witnesses them get there with little to absolutely no pain, he sometimes questions if they were really called. That’s not to say miracles can’t happen but as a whole, there shouldn’t just be one big miracle that takes them from sitting in their bedroom doing nothing to their destination.

Sadly I’m a good example of someone who very likely has been called, I’ve felt a calling to Japan for more than 3 years now and I’m working hard to make it happen. Yet I have friends from my teens who’ve just decided they want to go to Japan and suddenly their family writes a check for more than three-fourths of the money for them to stay for nearly 6 months. And I struggle to come up with just $5,000 just so I can visit for two short weeks, it’s always been hard not to be jealous of those people. Anyways, this road I travel is long and dirty, so I believe I’ve been truly called.

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