Update 5.2

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Update 5.2



It is official September 1st is my go live date. I am excited to announce I finally got a new car. It is a 2002 Toyota Rav4 (Silver) (Built in Japan). I bought it at Planet Honda in the Matteson Auto Mall. I do regret to say that because I still have no Credit the bank would not let me finance the car not even with my dad co-signing and even when my dad signed by him self we got a some what of a OK deal. Bummer, Speaking that I owned my mustang in my name. The car has 67000 miles on it and the only know problem is the power steering is a bit tight when sitting still. Other then that I love the car and now all I need is to find a new home for my old 1993 Ford Mustang Convertible. So yes please let me know if you are interested. My paychecks will be a bit tight for the next 3 weeks since I had to put $1500.00 down and all I had was $800.00 so I owe some people money for my down payment. I regret to say I still have not figured out a present for my dear friend Asakichi in Japan. He sent me Matcha about a month ago and I can not think of a single gift for him.


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