Quick Update 2

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Quick Update 2



I just off the phone with the guy at AT&T HR who called to do my oral assessment and fortunately, he just did it over the phone. He said my answers were satisfactory and that the next step would be my background check, drug test, and an 80lb lifting evaluation. I should receive a call very soon to schedule the drug test and lifting evaluation. He said after that, I will be selected from a pool of candidates for the position I applied. If I’m selected I can expect to be officially hired by the beginning of June. Hope I can hold out until then.

As for my salary, I will be starting at $13.00 per hour with a raise every 6 months and the pay caps out at $16.76 per hour. My initial pay will depend on my experience. As of now, the average installer is making $523 per week. — Not sure if that’s my take home. Training is 7 weeks of classroom and ring-along with senior techs. There will also be several tests during and after each class.

In the meantime, if anyone has any odd jobs such as; Networking, CCTV, Cleaning Gutters, Mowing Lawns, or just about anything else, let me know. I could use a bit of money on the side to cover my bills until June.

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