tanjou-bi omedetou to me

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tanjou-bi omedetou to me



tanjou-bi omedetou to me. It is now official. I am now 23 Years and 23 Hours Old. (WEIRD! Or is it even weirder that 23 is one of the lost numbers. Oh Well!) I have had a interest past week. Starting with CHRISTmas when we opened our presents. I mainly got a pair of hunters gloves (for working with telephone wire in the cold), Insulated Jeans and Rosetta Stone in Japanese. FUN!!! Then yesterday we all went out to eat at Famous Dave’s. I opened my presents and got a Bilingual Japanese and English Bible (Last Years Present I never got), the last three books in the manga series Yotsuba&! and a how to draw manga book.

I never realized how many people I’m friends with on Facebook until I get about 13 Happy Birthdays on my wall. A little note to you people who read my Blog Posts though Facebook should really read it though my blogger site at http://blog.joelgreene.ws/ in which you can see my full blog and see the little extras like Pictures and Videos I embed in my posts. Which unforchently Facebook takes out.

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