Quick Update 2
I just off the phone with the guy at AT&T HR who called to do my oral assessment and fortunately, he just did it over the phone. He said my answers were satisfactory and that the next step would be…
Quick Update
So I finally got the call I was waiting from William my contact with AT&T last Wednesday, April 29th. He said he got a hold of his contact in HR and had her e-mail me the link to finish my…
AT&T Uverse Job
HURRAY, I PASSED! So I literally just got back from the Metra station and I’m so happy, I couldn’t wait to post about my trip. And to be honest, I’m absolutely surprised how many people didn’t pass. The test was rather easy…
Special Announcement
I’m absolutely excited, just yesterday I got an e-mail notifying me that I’ve been selected to take the AT&T U-verse assessment test. I’m scheduled to take the test Downtown on Thursday, April 16th at 8 AM. And it says I should…
Update 2.3
So as promised, here is my April 2009 Life Update Post, a.k.a., Update v2.3. And to start this post, in my last post, I brought up the hotel owner I sent a bid for an all-new wireless network. Well, I…
Updates 2.0
? Happy Birthday to Me! Happy Birthday to Me! ? So it’s my birthday today and it’s quickly passing. Yep, I was born 22 years ago at 6:30 PM. And I’m also only 14 more closes from our Store Closing….