October Post
Well, The month is almost over and the cold is setting in more and more every day. Halloween is only days away and the abandoned store fronts that are rented though the month of October to just sell Halloween stuff are now…
Oh! Canada
As I approach my final 12 hours at home I think about all the things that I will miss here. Like the ability to talk with my okasan (mother) or otousan (father) when I desire and the familiar scenes of…
Canada Trip Update 1
Just thought I would give an update to my previous post because I have worked out some more of my trip details. I’m really excited that my new room mate is going to be Yoshi Makino who is a natural…
Ghost of Joel’s Past, Present and Future…
Being that Christmas was very recently and Christmas was about the same time that Ebenezer Scrooge took a journey of his Christmas past, present and future in the classic “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, I figured it would be…
Waz’s Up?
I can not believe how quickly time has pasted. Just yesterday I noticed howthe temperature has taken a dive. Two weeks ago my family and I visited World Revival Church in Kansas City, Missouri and I had a really great…
Where Am I?
As much as you probably know I have been off work since April, 2010 and it is probably safe to tell everyone that I was laid off from AT&T. During the past year I have been asking GOD why this…