June 2
Well, I have been on the HCG Diet for about 9 days now and I have lost 8 pounds plus 3 1/2 Inches in my belly. The results are awesome but the temptations are strong. We are officially 3 days…
June Update
I can not believe how much time can pass in what seems to be only a week. I hate the feeling of being super busy but not really being busy. This week my mom and I started a new diet…
April 2010
Where do I even start with this post. So much to say but so tired at 1:30 in the morning. I know I will compile a list of subjects I want to touch on. 1. Job…. O-: Um, Lets just…
New for 2010
It is official congress haves passed a unwritten senate health care bill, now it is the judicial branches turn in which I know and hope they turn it down for being unconstitutional. Apparently there are 38 states that are planing…
Pole Climbing, Bucksqueeze and Ladders. Day 5 of 5
I am so glad this training is done with and passed. Last week we finally had preference (Garage Transfer Request) for us techs and today I found out half the people in my class had already got approved for transfers…
Pole Climbing, Bucksqueeze and Ladders. Day 4 of 5
Another official for me I pasted my 18 foot climb test. I am very excited and relived to be free of that burden. See more picture at this link on Facebook. I think this picture deserves to be framed and…
Pole Climbing, Bucksqueeze and Ladders. Day 2 of 5
I am happy to report that at 10:20am on Tuesday I passed the 6 foot test. It is a good thing that our maneuvers do not chance on the different heights just the height. So I will enter Wednesday morning…
Pole Climbing, Bucksqueeze and Ladders. Day 1 of 5.
If the title makes you wonder it should because it is the title the course I have been enrolled in starting today and going till Friday. I tell you climbing a pole if one of the hardest things to do….
Feb Update 2
So I return to work tomorrow and I’m definably going to say something to my union rep. Boy how time goes by so fast. I e-mailed someone by the name of Justin and Amy who are on their way to…
Small Things Add Up
I find it funny how thing just seem to add up and seem to become even bigger then one big…. thing.Time goes by and a lot of small thing add up fast until it become time to post it on…