September Post
This is a time in my life where I need to make progress within my life and I find harder then ever to make progress. I am making some good money again and I have been determined to finally make…
Japan Relief Work – Update 2
I am still waiting to make the proper arrangements to help with relief work. The e-mail I received from Amy Eby was quite promising but when I sent a check up e-mail she was no longer available for contact. As…
Japan Relief Work – Update 1
I would just like to give people a heads up on my current situation. I have just been notified by CRASH Japan that I just might be a contender to volunteer for relief work in Japan. I am very emotional…
Oh! Canada
As I approach my final 12 hours at home I think about all the things that I will miss here. Like the ability to talk with my okasan (mother) or otousan (father) when I desire and the familiar scenes of…
Winter Blizzard of 2011
Just thought I would post some crazy pictures of this crazy winter blizzard we are experiencing here in Homewood, Illinois. Current weather map at 1:25 am. 10 hours in. Northbound Picture of Kedzie (2:30 pm) Southbound Picture of Kedzie (2:30…
Canada Trip Update 1
Just thought I would give an update to my previous post because I have worked out some more of my trip details. I’m really excited that my new room mate is going to be Yoshi Makino who is a natural…
Ghost of Joel’s Past, Present and Future…
Being that Christmas was very recently and Christmas was about the same time that Ebenezer Scrooge took a journey of his Christmas past, present and future in the classic “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, I figured it would be…
Waz’s Up?
I can not believe how quickly time has pasted. Just yesterday I noticed howthe temperature has taken a dive. Two weeks ago my family and I visited World Revival Church in Kansas City, Missouri and I had a really great…
Where Am I?
As much as you probably know I have been off work since April, 2010 and it is probably safe to tell everyone that I was laid off from AT&T. During the past year I have been asking GOD why this…
Fun in the Sun.
Well our Florida vacation has come and gone. I was a real blast. We went to Innesbrook a nice but old resort near St. Petersburg, FL, which of course is were I was born. Then we went to my grandparents…