Japan Relief Work – Update 1
I would just like to give people a heads up on my current situation. I have just been notified by CRASH Japan that I just might be a contender to volunteer for relief work in Japan. I am very emotional…
Facts of Japan. Vol. 2.1
Please consider making a donation to the U.S. Red Cross or CRASH Japan. CRASH Japan is a network supporting Christians to do relief work in Japan and around the world. It’s moments like these when you really see the good…
Road Blocks of Life
As some of you might have heard I have run into a huge road block on my way to Prince Albert, SK, Canada. I, Joel T Greene, Was denied access to Canada. I tried to enter on two separate days…
Facts of Japan. Vol. 2.0
By and large, Japan is mostly free of corruption I happened to catch an article about some corruption scandals cropping up in India recently, which are causing some big problems for the country. I’ve heard stories along these lines from…
Canada Trip :: Stop Ichi-ban
Well, here is my promise for a post at stop number one. I am writing from a hotel room in Saint Cloud, MN. After a rocky start this morning I got on the road and drove 8 hours with only…
Oh! Canada
As I approach my final 12 hours at home I think about all the things that I will miss here. Like the ability to talk with my okasan (mother) or otousan (father) when I desire and the familiar scenes of…
Facts of Japan. Vol. 1.1
Every man in Japan looks forward to receiving chocolate on Feb. 14 Valentine’s Day is an important day in Japan, a time for couples to show their affection through the medium of chocolate. As is probably well-known by now, in…
Facts of Japan. Vol. 1.0
Since I am so very interested in Japan and so many people I talk to don’t know any more then me I would start making a post every so often with something I find interesting about the Japanese People or…
Winter Blizzard of 2011
Just thought I would post some crazy pictures of this crazy winter blizzard we are experiencing here in Homewood, Illinois. Current weather map at 1:25 am. 10 hours in. Northbound Picture of Kedzie (2:30 pm) Southbound Picture of Kedzie (2:30…
Canada Trip Update 1
Just thought I would give an update to my previous post because I have worked out some more of my trip details. I’m really excited that my new room mate is going to be Yoshi Makino who is a natural…