Twenty Ten?
WOW… Some year 2009 was and it definably held up to the title of “Year of Growth and Gain”. So lets see this years title will be the “Year of Rewards and Discovery”. Yeah, Now that title gets me excited….
tanjou-bi omedetou to me
tanjou-bi omedetou to me. It is now official. I am now 23 Years and 23 Hours Old. (WEIRD! Or is it even weirder that 23 is one of the lost numbers. Oh Well!) I have had a interest past week….
Happy CHRISTmas?
CHRISTMAS is tomorrow and everyone is my house is excited and can not wait until its gift opening time. I’m at a complete lost on what I can expect to receive since I never made any requests but I am…
Update 7
At the beginning of this year when I decided this would be my year of growth in which I was correct. In this year alone I have got a new job that’s paying me more then any other I have…
December Already!!!
I know I did not post before letting people now this but I am in Florida… My brother and I came down on Wednesday December 2nd and returning on Monday December 7th. I found out I had three floating holidays…
November Update
It always amazes me how fast the year can come and go. Before I know it I’ve worked 5 months at AT&T, Got a new used car, It’s getting cold outside and I’m almost 23 years old. (Most scary of…
Update 6.2
So last Thursday (10/15) I came into work and was given the news that the Suspension was canceled and was not suppose to be delivered. So yes my Union is filing a grievance to get me paid for those days….
Update 6.1
To continue my last post. I last said that I was delivered a suspension notice for a so called preventable vehicle accident but was put on hold for the week until the suspension is approved my my Union but I…