AT&T Training – Day 29 of 49
So today was crap and I’m so frustrated, while also relieved it’s over!!! I got stuck riding with Mark again. He’s not bad to ride with but I have two major complaints about the guy, first, he smokes like a…
AT&T Training – Day 28 of 49
So today was my first ride along, as part of my new employee training. I got assigned this morning to ride along with Milton. So I got to the garage this morning and found they changed my manager again. They…
AT&T Training – Day 25 of 49
Horray, another week is in the bag and I PASSED this silly test! I’m also going car shopping tomorrow and hopefully, I’ll find something. I have been driving the family cars for far too long now and it’s 30-45 minutes to work…
AT&T Training – Day 24 of 49
And yet again, we had yet another day where we essentially watched more TV… I think I’m done with TV for a couple weeks now. Good news, we got to go home early at 12:45 for good behavior, actually, just…
AT&T Training – Day 22 of 49
I’m two and half days away from the halfway point of my AT&T training, as far as classroom training goes; I only have a few days left before I start my ride alongs. Then I come back for 4 days…
AT&T Training – Day 18 of 49
I am so happy today to over. Now I got a three day weekend to enjoy Fireworks. I can also take a brake from updating this blog every day…… Now don’t get me wrong I love typing my blog I…
AT&T Training – Day 17 of 49
One more day of this torture. But I am proud of one thing. For the last day we have practiced our hands on test. I feel a bit more confident because the build I did today my instructor said would…
AT&T Training – Day 16 of 49
Our instructor does it again. We had a customer service test today and several steps of greeting the customer we had to do. I say I got a perfect score but he dinged me on two stupid things. First he…
AT&T Training – Day 15 of 49
AHHH!!! This is driving me crazy. Our instructor tells us one thing then another. A good example is yesterday and today he says bring your thumb drives and laptop so he can give us the powerpoint files so we can…